Thursday, April 3, 2008

Expressing Your True Essence- Tip of the day

How do I know who I am?

Meditate daily and journal regularly. First find a quiet space to go within.
Meditation comes in many forms. Some may achieve this through a walking or guided meditation, drumming , a breathing practice, tai chi or qiqong, or chanting, whatever resonates for you and gets you centered. This helps you stay connected or reconnect with your true essence so you can express it more fully in your daily life.

We have wonderful guided meditations from our companion CD's to our book to assist you. These can be downloaded from:

Marion Ross & Tracy Latz

1 comment:

RedTailHawk said...

I am expressing my true essence. The book has provided the tools to walk in LOVE. When I apply the tools and maintain my connection, I am abundant. Over the last year, applying the tools have been sporadic and I have tried to find my way. However, I am no longer finding my way. I have been putting into practice several of the exercises and it has made a difference in all aspects of my walk in life.
Through tapping, drawing my garden, music, creation of my collage, listening to the universe I have discovered my essence.
I am a Hawk, a Red-Tail Hawk. There are many days I still do not necessarily want to be a Hawk and would like to be a different animal, but I am a Red-Tail Hawk. I will share my poem a different time, I must run for now.