Friday, April 11, 2008

Creating Discipline for Sport Performance

Whether you are a serious athlete or a weekend warrior these tips are helpful to increase focus and help you perform to the best of your capabilities.

Create discipline through centering:

1. Four rounds of Rhythmic breathing can help both lower your blood pressure and bring you to a state of calm before you begin play or whenever you feel overwhelmed, anxious or stressed during the game. This technique is explained in an earlier post.

2. A daily practice of meditation, yoga or a martial art has long been recognized for increasing focus including Tai Chi and Chi Gong.

3. Light a candle, focus on the the tip of the flame and be mindfully aware of what you see, sense or feel as you look into it and with a continuous stream of expression say out loud whatever it is that you see. As soon as you pause or repeat yourself you must to start over. Try to work up to a continuous expression of what you see for 2 minutes . Use a timer or do this exercise with a partner. This may seem like a silly exercise but it helps create intense focus and concentration .

4. Use a Sport Link or a similar focus trainer. Use the program for sports performance for 20 minutes a day or before you run. This is a great tool which has improved the game of many a pro and Olympic athlete in all fields.

5. Visualization of your goal. See yourself reaching your goal and feeling wonderful about it and with 2 fingers gently tap this vision into your 3rd eye ( between the eyebrows) a few times a day and before you compete. This only works if you are free from the killer issues that are blocking you - see next technique.

6. EFT tapping on your acupoints for lack of discipline, nervousness, anxiety, muscle tension, fear or failure or whatever your issue.
This tool is used to prepare yourself ahead of time and to use whether you are competing or just interested in adding more pleasure and satisfaction to your game. This will relieve the stressors and problems you have identified which are inhibiting you from maximum performance. See our book Shift:12 Keys to Shift Your Life for a more in depth explanation of the technique.
We have both had enormous success using EFT with patients. I often use it both for my own golf game and when I am coaching on the golf course.

Marion Ross & Tracy Latz

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