Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Back Pain Alternative Treatments

What alternative treatments (acupuncture, pillows, massage, etc.) can safely treat back pain ?
I have taught many of my patients alternative pain relief methods for various conditions. The following alternative methods could safely treat back pain during pregnancy as well.(I have 3 children of my own and can certainly relate to such a condition):

1) Tennis Ball Massage- A friend or partner can gently but firmly massage the affected area by rolling a tennis ball over the area with the palm of their hand. If the woman has noone to assist her, she can put one or two tennis balls in a long sock and can hold onto the top of the sock while flinging the end with the tennis ball(s) over her shoulder and can either lean against the back of a chair or a wall and gently move/massage the affected area herself with the balls applying pressure.

2) Meditation/Guided Imagery- Meditation or guided imagery can be used to diminish pain. Picturing a golden ball of light that starts at the feet and then slowly moving over the whole body relaxing and calming every area of the body as it passes. I have compiled a series of 24 guided meditations for various purposed titled SHIFT (available through www.CDBaby.com ).

3) Reiki/Healing Touch- We all instinctively place our hands on or over areas of our or another person's body that is in pain or distress. We have the ability to channel energy or life force or chi (qi) through the center of the palms of our hands to ourself or to another person if there is a need. While the intensity of the energy flow may be greater in someone who is attuned to or trained in Reiki or some other hands on healing/energy medicine technique, anyone can be a channel of this type of energy if they set their intention/desire to do so.

4) Polarity Therapy- We all have positive and negative poles in our body. If there is an area of the body that is experiencing pain or distress, we or another person can place the middle finger ("the fire finger") of one hand on the center of the spot that is in distress. Then we place the first ("pointer") finger of the other hand on the body directly on the opposite side of the body from where the fire finger is now placed. Then you simply hold the position until you feel or sense that the current or energy field moves the pain or distress out of the area (you can literally feel it being pulled out).

5) Music, Tones or Toning- There are various types of music that we are naturally drawn to that feel healing at different times. Become attuned to which music is most helpful to you when you are in pain, feeling sad, stressed or angry. Certain musical notes, tones, and specific colors can have healing or calming effects on different areas of the body. For instance, wearing red over an area of pain may intensify pain, while wearing pale blue or pink over an area of pain may soothe the pain and calm the area.

6) Acupuncture- While acupuncture can be extremely helpful for various pain situations, it is important to look for a trained acupuncturist with lots of experience in working on pregnant women as there are some points that should be avoided during pregnancy as they can induce labor.

7) EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)- This is based on tapping on some of the accupuncture points gently with one's fingertips while stating specific statements or affirmations. It can be easily learned and is safe during pregnancy. We teach a quick protocol inour book and you can learn the longer version at the website www.emofree.com by the founder of EFT, Gary Craig.

Tracy Latz, M.D.,M.S

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