Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Suicide Prevention During the Financial Crisis

The World Health Organization is predicting an increase in suicides as a result of the financial crisis.

It is not a surprise to those of us in the day to day trenches working with
psychiatric patients to acknowledge that there is an increase in suicide risk. I have seen several patients who were struggling with failing businesses and the banks will likely be foreclosing on their homes in the next few weeks.

I have also seen an increase in cases of stress, anxiety, and depression as a result of the international financial crisis in both adults and children (as they pick up on their parents' fears, anxiety and sadness). I have had some people reporting suicidal thoughts as a result of their perception of doom, guilt and shame over their financial dilemmas. It is helpful for people caught in this to focus on changing their perceptions of recent events. I suggest that people stop listening to the news except for a brief period once a day so that they do not have continual stimulation of their worst fears. I reassure them that this is just a moment in time and that everything concerning the financial crisis will predictably change over time;that the stock market and financial down trends will gradually improve. I tell them it is much like watching clouds floating by in the sky- there is a beginning, a middle and an end to any major crisis no matter what it is and that the sun will certainly reappear.
For those who truly seem to be on the edge of personal financial collapse I discuss considering bankruptcy, which was developed specifically to give someone a chance to start over financially, which is not necessarily the case in other countries.When people are living in fear of the loss of retirement or college fund monies, yet have no intention of retiring or having children leave for college for 5 or more years, I point out that the loss of money for them is either only on paper or in the ethers of the computer databases, as their wealth will begin to grow again as the market recovers from the down trend and that it will indeed improve with time.

I assist people with taking a look at their priorities and realizing that there are so many things that are more important than possessions and perceived status of cars, jobs, houses... such as family, relationships, and health.

I have had some people who think of suicide as an option to get life insurance
monies for their family.I point out that many life insurance policies have an exclusion of payment for anyone who commits suicide. Some people believe that suicide is a "way out" and that their "troubles will end"- to those people I say that suicide creates a whole list of new troubles for the ones who are left behind to pick up the pieces. Risk of suicide increases dramatically once another family member has taken their own life; suicide then becomes a viable option for dealing with problems. Children, friends, and loved ones almost always blame them selves for the person's death, even if a suicide note is left.

I recommend that people who are dealing with stressful situations be mindful of getting regular sleep, taking care of their body with good nutrition and some regular exercise. Exercise is a means of natural stress reduction and helps reset neurotransmitters to assist with combating anxiety and depression. Taking time to take care of our own self to relax and play is important all of the time, not just during crisis situations.

If you are having have suicidal thoughts it is important to talk with someone about what/how you are thinking and what you are feeling such as trained mental health professionals (therapists, counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers), your family physician or family or friends. You are not alone. There is help available in the form of psychotherapy, support groups and antidepressant medication that can work fairly rapidly to improve mood.
Your perception and where you focus your thoughts are of key importance to transform suicidal thoughts. We can look at everything as if the glass is half empty constantly or we can choose to look at things as if the glass is half full. We energize what we think about- if we are always looking for the worst case scenario,then that is all we can see and we will have difficulty seeing the things that are still beautiful and wonderful in our life. Exercise, spending time with people and doing things that we love are helpful with keeping us focused on what is right and joyful in our lives. Antidepressant medication (Serotonin specific reuptake inhibitor agents) and/or mood stabilizing medication can help a great deal for those who seem to remain depressed in their mood for 2 or more weeks without relief. Hospitalization is an option for those who do not feel that they are able to keep them self from acting on suicidal thoughts.

What's the gift in this crisis? Maybe it's time to recognize that we need to set new priorities in our lives and understand what is really important to us and not be defined by our jobs or possessions. Take a moment to recall in Greek mythology the story of Pandora's box. After Prometheus stole the secret of fire, Zeus ordered Hephaestus to create the woman Pandora as part of punishment for mankind. Pandora was given a large box and was told never to open it by Zeus, but she did. It contained all the evil of mankind including greed, vanity, lies, slander and envy which escaped the box. When she managed to close it again one value was kept inside represented by a tiny winged angel. That was HOPE.

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