Monday, October 13, 2008

Holidays After Divorce

5 Things to Do:
1. Be sensitive to the fact that your children are looking forward to the holidays with you and also with your ex. Do not take it personally that children like to spend time with both parents. Create new or continue old holiday traditions to make your children feel good about the holidays.

2. Do coordinate big gifts with your ex. There is nothing like the let-down of both of you getting your child the same big gift. It is a let-down for both the parent and the child and is completely avoidable by communication between both parents.

3. Do send a card to your ex's family if you are close to them. It is natural to still have feelings for them if you were close emotionally to them. However, do not say anything derisive or negative about your ex in the card.

4. Call a truce with your ex in the spirit of the holidays if you do not have mutually respectful relationship or still harbor animosity toward them. The holidays are a time to transform anger and to have goodwill to all men (and women)... even if that includes your ex.

5. Do take care of your self during the holidays- take time to de-stress in healthy ways (exercise, massage, good nutrition, refrain from over-indulging in food or alcohol). If the children are not with you over the holidays, then plan to do something that would be fun and nurturing rather than sitting at home and being miserable.

5 Things Not to Do:

1. Do not compete with your ex to out-do in gift-giving.... it only spoils the children and makes everyone feel uncomfortable (including the children).

2. Do not punish the children for having a good time with your ex or sharing stories of the good times they had at your ex's home. Don't you want your children to have good memories of their holidays? They have a good time with you too and are also sharing that with your ex. Your children need to feel happy and loved in both homes and not be made to feel guilty about it.

3. Do not send a mean card to either your ex or your ex's family. If you can't say something nice (especially during the holidays), then don't send anything at all.

4. Do not tell your children how lonely you are when they are not with you over the holidays. It is NOT fair to make your children feel responsible for your feelings, thoughts or behaviors. We are very powerful in our choices, and we can either choose to be miserable or choose to be happy. After all, the adults were the ones who chose to get a divorce. The children are just having to deal with the situation.

5. Do not over-extend your self over the holiday with attempts to be super-parent to outdo your ex (by volunteering in the school, with sports team, or community parties).


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