Sunday, October 5, 2008

Positive Intention- Nice, Airport

Today I spent a few hours at the airport waiting to take off. Our flight was delayed again and again and I was inspired to do a short experiment. I set my intention to center myself in my heart and look around acknowledging that every single person I saw was not only just another complaining and frustrated passenger, but also a fellow creation of God/Universe /Source. I further acknowledged that we were all connected and a reflection of one another. With that feeling in mind(consciousness)and my heart expanded I attracted so many people my way. I had been standing in a relatively empty space and after 3 minutes there was a large number of smiling, laughing, positive and chatty people around me.

Living in your heart is a very loving and powerful feeling. The power of our energy to attract like energies and effect the collective consciousness of others is enormous. Don't wait to go to the airport to try it!


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