Thursday, August 28, 2008

Guilt and Shame

It is normal to have the Obstacle of Guilt and Shame stop us in our tracks as quickly as a joyful puppy can be yanked backwards by a tug (or even a hard yank) on a leash.

What makes Guilt and Shame so heavy and difficult to release at times is the sense of gut-wrenching fear that it can stir up of "if anyone knew about this then they would KNOW how terrible a person I really am and they would run for the hills!" "Everyone would truly know just how unlovable and unworthy of love or of anything good that I am!" This can lead to attempting to hide the guilt and shame and sense of unworthiness more in our secret garden of "crapola" that we tend to quite well... we will tend that garden far better than we tend to our own garden of self-nurturing.

We are so hard on our own self. Would we be so hard on our niece, nephew, best friend, child, pet or other loved one? Sometimes we may have to sit for at least 20 to 30 minutes in the Loving Benefactor meditation having the loving and compassionate benefactor sending us Love and just allowing our self to feel it and to receive it... before we can even come to grips with being ready to release our own self from the leash that we have been cruelly yanking and at times choking our own spirit with.

Overcoming this obstacle is about un-tethering our self from all the past pain from situations that we either had little control over at the time as we were such young children, or so coerced, or so frightened, or sometimes simply at a lower level of consciousness than we are now. It is about having some compassion for where we were at the time... and sometimes for where the other person was in their consciousness at the time... it is not about saying that what happened was okay then or that you would feel that it would be okay now. It is about allowing the dirt to wash clean from our souls and allowing our self to return to a state of grace... or prepare our self to receive a state of Grace.


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