Monday, February 9, 2009

Abuser/ Victim Mirror

Sometimes we attract others to us to learn.  Other times we have SHIFTed and the others who are used to doing the dance (sometimes the family dance) are just doing the same pattern that they have been doing for years... it is a reactive dance that is second nature and just a "normal reaction" done without thought.  Why does the cockroach come out in the dark and run when you cut on the light?  It is their nature... it knows nothing different.

Some people are of a level of consciousness that they live almost constantly in their shadows and have limited to no awareness of their Light whatsoever.

It is important to recall that we are very powerful in our choices... our choices to allow people that have continuous abusive patterns to remain in our lives versus the choice to remove them from our life except for a limited basis or to limit them completely.  We are very powerful in our choices.  No one can take our power from us again unless we choose to hand it over to them.  Their behavior is a reflection of THEM and NOT a reflection of us.  We are responsible as adults for our own behaviors and they are responsible for theirs.

In childhood we have an imbalance in the amount of control we have over our lives.  Children can easily be manipulated or controlled unwittingly by adults and made to believe all sorts of things that we as adults (with more knowledge exposure and life experience) would be able to reason with clarity that the reality is distorted.  As adults, we no longer have to buy into the false realities that were perhaps painted for us by people who did not necessarily have our best interests at heart.

Sadly, there are many adults in this world that have little understanding of where their heart is as they have lived with it walled or closed off for much of their lives.  These adults live in a world of anger, fear, guilt or shame and are so wrapped up in their own personal issues, misperceptions and drama; they are unable or unwilling to feel compassion for others and just live to distract themselves with behaviors that may be addictive or compulsive in nature.  It can lead to them being in their abuser energy and cause them to attempt to prey on others whom they perceive to have less power than them.

It is interesting to see that the victim and abuser energies can be flip sides of the same faulty thought.  For instance, if we have the constant thought or belief "I will kill or be killed" or "I will be taken advantage of unless I take the advantage first", then we could either walk in the energy of the one who is "killed" or "taken advantage of" OR we could walk in the energy of the one who "kills" or "takes advantage of others".


Some general questions I would pose for anyone in an abuser/victim dilemma as an adult to open up some avenues for exploration....
Ask yourself, "Why do I continue to see those people in my life that are so negative?"

"Why do I allow myself to be hurt when I do have a choice?  Do I need to see myself as a victim of the world? Is that just my old identity and I haven't learned how to replace it with who I really am? Do I have a perceived need to suffer rather than be joyful?"

"Am I afraid of my power to create love, joy, abundance in my life?  Are there further lessons to be learned to keep me stuck with these issues in my face until I discover what they are?"

"Am I trying to change (consciously or subconsciously) others through my own 'good' behavior and have a relationship on my terms?"

"Am I stuck in not being able to make a choice or recognize that I do have one?"

"Is it time to let them go so I can have space for more positive and loving relationships?"

I hope that a couple of these questions give pause for reflection and can assist you.


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